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Cambry Baker

Angela Cusicanqui

Dirty Doves

Melinda Wilder

Molly Cashion

Sustainability Education Professional seeking to transform educational settings through research-based practices.

Rob Quarles

Curtis Carman

I am the Education Coordinator at The Parklands of Floyds Fork, a new donor-supported public park in Louisville, KY. Our education program is fairly new (less then 5 years) but we currently host 14,000 education visits per year raging from adults to K-12 students. Bring nature back to neighborhoods.

Loons Firstroots

Matthew Olson

Stanley Sampson

Sierra Salazar

Jessica Yuill

Erica Roemhild

Sean OConnor

Sean O’Connor, Program Manager – Citizen Science, BSCS

Nora DiChiara

Franco Rino Apoyon

Patrick Kelly

Kristina Hayek

Colby Hurst

Mary Westlund

I've always loved nature and getting outside. As a former elementary teacher, I think it's important to educate our youth about the environment and empower them to make sustainable changes. At MAEOE, I work with schools and ee providers across the state and together we are greening MD!

Lily Eligator

Nathan Kuan Uhlmeyer

Elizabeth Padilla

Suzanne Pratt