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Julius Moshi

Taras Verkhoglyad

I want to tell you about how artificial intelligence helps the planet reduce the carbon footprint and save you money.

Betsy Wilkening

Anna DeMers

Christina Norman

Cristina Palmisano

Environmental Educator with 20 years of experience teaching in classrooms and in the field. Passionate about building relationships and inspiring others to experience and learn from the outdoors. Looking to expand programming at the intersection of autism and outdoor education.

Ben Daley

Amy Kovacs

Gretchen Mominee

Linda Pettit

Amber Fogelsanger

Brittany Murdock

Anna Jackson

Amber Gorski

Brett Billings

Jeanne Braha

Andrew Jay

Benjamin Harper

Clara Metzler

Cynthia Merse

Isabel Ashton

Nicole Hodur

Manager of Child and Family Programs at Lincoln Park Zoo (Chicago, IL)

James Clem