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Heidi Hoskins

Sharon Jeardeau

Cody Nygard

My name is Dr. Cody Hamilton Nygard. I am a husband, father, educator, researcher, writer, artist, and musician. I teach High School Science in a private school in Louisville, KY. I am also a PhD graduate and researcher, exploring the application of environmental education as an intervention for trauma.

Tricia Deuitch

Ben Zino

Undergraduate researcher and wildlife videographer with a passion for exploration and herpetology.

Dara Lukonen

S. Donyā Meggs

DaNel Hogan

Jennifer Cheesman

Abdul Ibrahim

Jeanette Mar

Jennifer Rigby

Kayla Thomas

Kristy Starke

Caroline Ramaley

Yunjie Liu

Max Wright

Thomas White

Nelson Heller

Babak Chalabiyani

Abbie Enlund

Erica Tietjen

Andrea Falcetto

Chantel Estes