Austin Lewis

Austin Lewis (he,him,sir)

Outdoor Apprentice Educator

muddy sneakers

winston Salem,

Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystems, EE Certification, Marine, Natural Resources, Nonformal Education, Water


muddy sneakers

I am 27 years old, i like to be outside alot especially in nature.I enjoy meeting people often when i travel. Ienjoy sharing my thoughts and ideas with new people i meet,freinds and family members. i am the youngest of 7 and i am enthusiastic about living life. I enjoy going on adventures and seeing new places as life unfolds before my eyes. i am funny, multitalented, and i like to spread peace and posivity. my clothing options are almost always bright and vivid with patterns and shapes ect. i like card games, I can have fun with out needing money, and enjoy brain games aswell as reading books that teach people new things. i am also italian! 

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Hello Everyoneone my name is Austin and i love to learn about the wide range of topics associated with nature. I first got into it when i was a child by vising a place called sea world. The marine animals really caught my attention and from that point onward i was fascinated by animals. when i explore i go to forests, mountains, lakes, ponds, and more. i enjoy hiking and sharing my experiences in nature with others. teaching people about animals and the world we live in when it comes to enviornmental education always intrigues me. My favorite topic is animals and plants ! i have had several pets ranging from tarantulas, dogs, parakeet and a american short haired ginea pig. I had been observing enviornments since i was a teenager and had been drawn to how it effects people as a whole. Ienjoy education people with my socila media on topics across the board when it comes to nature and plan on furthering my knowledge and innerstanding of the world around me :)  

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