ClimateScience Olympiad 2022

The ClimateScience (CS) Olympiad is a free and online competition for youth aged 12-25 years, aiming to educate them about various issues related to the climate crisis and empower them to be future climate leaders. It's organised by ClimateScience, a global charity working to provide accessible, reliable and engaging climate education to people of all ages.
The primary objective of the CS Olympiad is to get tens of thousands of students to start thinking about how we can tackle one of the greatest problems of our generation: climate change. This is done through a solution-focused approach with the hope of empowering young people with the knowledge necessary to take action themselves and make the world a better place.
The competition format (multiple choice questions, essays and presentations) introduces the climate science subject in an engaging manner to our newest generation. This unique approach develops students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they engage in more effective, realistic and actionable climate solutions.
The CS Olympiad made its debut in January 2021 with the hopes of engaging thousands of students from across the globe. By November we had reached more than 12,400 participants from 149 countries! The finalist award ceremony was conducted at the United Nations Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow, UK, on Tuesday, 9th of November 2021, including keynote speakers Jane Goodall and Renate Christ (fmr. Director of the IPCC).
To everyone’s surprise, the winners of last year's Olympiad were two 14-year-old students from the UK, whose final solution was a global carbon tax proposal! The top 3 teams were awarded a prize pool of US$10,000 and presented their ideas on the prestigious stage of COP26. The entire recording of the ceremony can be watched here on the official youtube channel of COP26.
In 2022, ClimateScience Olympiad is aiming to reach a million participants globally. By participating in the CSO22, students stand a chance to win a share of US$15000 and an opportunity to speak at the UN’s Climate Summit (COP27, pending confirmation) in Egypt.
The competition is open for free for students in three age groups, 12-16, 17-20 and 21-25 years. Students can either participate solo or in a team of two. Educators can also host private qualifier events so their students can participate simultaneously. Participants have several attempts available, and we have a free quiz app to help them prepare. More information about the CS Olympiad can be found here.