Climate Spirals


Climate Spirals

Those of you not on the CLEAN (Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network) may want to take a look at the "Climate Spiral" at As Science magazine stated: "Scientists have produced many reports, charts and animations to measure climate change over the decades. But few have achieved the resonance of this one from scientist Ed Hawkins, hailed for its stunning simplicity."

Also, a Network member from the U.S. Global Change Research Program National Coordination Office shared via the Network a version from USGS that extends the graphic with IPCC info for RCP 8.5 that goes out to 2100. You can see it at

As with any data-based graphic/visualization, this one can be used in many ways to provoke people's perception, investigation and learning. I find myself looking for patterns and anomalies each time I watch them, leading to new questions/wonderings.  I hope that you will take a look at these and share with our group ways that you are or are thinking of using them in your programs or with your learners.