Texas ELP


Texas ELP

So that all Texans may come to value Texas’ natural resources, know the principles of natural resources stewardship and live sustainably, educators came together from across the state to create a plan that would provide a framework for ongoing statewide efforts that foster natural resource/environmental literacy as a cornerstone of education, recreation and life-long learning.

The Texas Natural Resource/Environmental Literacy Plan is structured into six main components that will enable the state to meet the objectives in the No Child Left Inside Act and the Texas Children and Nature Strategic Plan:

  1. Lifelong Learning and Community Connections that develop a culture of appreciation and life-long learning in natural resource/environmental literacy.
  2. Formal Education that incorporates natural resource/environmental literacy into learning relevant content, teaching practices, the use of learning environments in schools, and student outcomes.
  3. Informal Education that incorporates natural resource/environmental literacy into teaching practices and learning environments in informal educational settings.
  4. Professional Development that improves natural resource/environmental content knowledge and skills in teaching about environmental issues.
  5. Assessment of natural resource literacy/environmental strategies and programs.
  6. Funding and Support strategies needed to implement the plan.

Each goal outlines specific objectives and connections to key legislation and initiatives.