New Mexico ELP


New Mexico ELP

New Mexico's ELP has six goals to work toward the mission of providing a foundation for student and educator learning, consistent with state and national education standards that results in enviornmentally literate graduates. The plan envisions a state that fosters an environmentally literate citizenry that practices personal and collective stewardship, lives sustainably, and respects New Mexico's cultural diveresity and traditions. Recommendations, consistent with Common Core State Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, and New Mexico Content Standards are:

  • Goal 1: Student Preparation Students receive multidisciplinary environmental education from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade; they graduate with the critical thinking skills and the commitment to take individual and collective action toward addressing environmental challenges.
  • Goal 2: Field Experiences Students participate regularly in educational field experiences and service learning that take place outside the classroom.
  • Goal 3: Health and Wellness Students adopt healthful lifestyles by engaging in outdoor recreation and sound nutrition.
  • Goal 4: Professional Development Educators have the resources, training, and support to integrate environmental and sustainability literacy into all disciplines to inspire students to explore, investigate, and learn about the natural world and its systems.
  • Goal 5: Facilities Facilities School campuses are designed and built with environmental and energy-efficiency standards to support environmental education and sustainable practices on site.
  • Goal 6: Assessment Students are assessed of their environmental literacy by meaningful measures

The ELP describes and outlines specific objectives for accomplishing each of these goals.