Montana ELP


Montana ELP

A non-profit, tax-exempt Montana organization formed in 1991, Montana Environmental Education Association (MEEA) envisions a day when environmental education (EE) is fully embraced, supported, and integrated into every-day experiences; when citizens of Montana are involved in learning about our environment and our relationship to it from the time they are young and continuing throughout life - in our experiences at home, at school, in our work, and in our play. When developing environmental literacy is just…natural. 

Though the process of ELP development is not formally underway, the Montana Environmental Education Association believes that broad support and visibility are needed to raise EE’s value and fulfill this vision. Establishing funding support for this collective effort and fostering long-term initiatives to be carried out by the whole EE community are key to MEEA's success. Visit MEEA's website, linked on this page, for more information.