Maine ELP


Maine ELP

Maine’s extraordinary natural environment is the foundation of its prosperity and way of life. Maine’s major businesses, including fishing, forestry, the wood products industry, tourism, agriculture, and the multiple elements contributing to the creative economy all depend upon the quality of the State’s environment. Maine’s economic future hinges on the preservation of its environment and requires an environmentally literate citizenry. An effective environmental literacy plan will:

-increase student achievement of Maine’s PreK-12 learning goals through proven, effective environmental education experiences;
-increase student engagement by providing classroom connections to meaningful, real-world applications resulting in higher student retention and graduation rates;
-motivate high school graduates to pursue higher education and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and green careers;
-promote educators’ understanding and application of best practices for environmental education through effective professional development and classroom support;
-increase collaboration among non-formal environmental educators and sustainability educators, and leverage their expertise and resources; and
benefit Maine’s environment and economy by preparing young people to become citizens with the knowledge and skills to make responsible decisions that protect ecosystems and support sustainability.