Mahina Rises

Looking for a motivating book about caring for the planet suitable for middle-grade and high-school students? Yes, there are many works of non-fiction for teenagers about the climate crisis, but very few novels. Mahina Rises offers an empowering and engaging adventure story that takes the issue very seriously, outlines all the things that can be done to help, and ends with an optimistic and hopeful vision for the future.
Read what critics are saying about Mahina Rises, and please visit for more information.
“Mahina Rises is a powerful call for guardians to nurture their children's dreams and for the young to believe they can make a difference in a world ravaged by greed. This is an urgent read on caring for our planet.”—
“John Blossom has woven a wonderful tale that blends indigenous Hawaiian lore and respect for the environment with the harsh reality of climate change and the greed that fuels it. This is a story of adventure, family love, friendship, and a greater love for our earth and each other. Highly recommended.”—Kimberlee J Benart
The author, John Blossom, is available to speak or otherwise communicate with school groups about the novel.