Idaho ELP


Idaho ELP

The ELP Advisory Committee has completed work on Idaho’s first environmental literacy plan. The project funded by a $33,000, year-long grant from the Environmental Protection Agency was spearheaded by IdEEA. The plan was crafted over 8 months by a committee comprised of IdEEA staff and board members and representatives from key stakeholder groups. Additional input was gathered from over 140 Idahoans who participated in 7 facilitated public stakeholder meetings held throughout the state.

The proposed Idaho ELP provides Idahoans with a common road map that assists leaders, educators, agencies and organizations in establishing a cohesive approach to environmental literacy. The ELP advisory committee developed the proposed plan and is now spearheading formation of a coalition of key stakeholders, including IdEEA and the Idaho State Department of Education. The coalition will continue to build support for the ELP and help shepherd it through official approval and implementation.