Florida ELP


Florida ELP

The mission of the Florida Environmental Literacy Plan is to build an increased environmentally-literate population through high quality environmental education.

Florida's environmental literacy plan has been developed by LEEF and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Office of Environmental Education and Sustainable Initiatives in partnership with the Florida Department of Education Office of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and Florida Department of Education Office of Healthy Schools, with additional input from a wide range stakeholders in the education and environmental communities.

EE teaches children and adults how to learn about and investigate their environment, and to make intelligent, informed decisions about how they can take care of it. Environmentally literate individuals have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to understand issues and make good decisions that will benefit both their local communities and surrounding habitats. To achieve environmental literacy through EE, the FELP relies heavily on a strategy that includes three elements:

-build on existing mandates and missions of the key players;
-promote continuity, coordination, and where appropriate consolidation to better share and promote resources to formal and nonformal educators among all stakeholders; and
-recognize the value in implementing small, practical, and no or low-cost steps that yield measurable results to show an increase in environmental literacy efforts within five years.