Create Your Own Aquarium Activity for K–12


Create Your Own Aquarium Activity for K–12

Aerial Image of Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Activity: Simulating the Sea

Description | 60 mins

Media: Learn about coral research on this 360° video tour of the Australian Institute of Marine Science’s SeaSim, where they simulate the ocean in a lab!

Activity: Design a sea simulator - Students learn about how scientists create simulations to conduct experiments. Then, they take inspiration from the SeaSIM tour to design their own simulated marine environment.

  • Want a Google Slides version? We offer a Google Slides version of the activity, a Microsoft Powerpoint version of the activity, and a PDF version of the activity on the Ocean School website.

About Ocean School
This is a free educational resource from the Canadian Government about the ocean, through the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University and the National Film Board of Canada. Ocean School provides free, media-rich, ocean-based resources in multiple subjects for students in grades 5–12. Created by educators, scientists and storytellers, these interactive learning materials help students understand our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us.

Please note: Ocean School activities are not stand-alone lessons (they do not cover all aspects of one topic or subject) but instead supplement learning through dynamic and engaging experiences.

Lesson Resources: