Aligning EE and State Academic Standards


Aligning EE and State Academic Standards

We all know that teachers need to use their state academic standards.  We also know that environmental education content and skills are well-represented in most state academic standards.  It's just a matter of finding the links. One way of making these links explicit is to use Excellence in Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12) as the framework and to create a crosswalk with your state academic standards.

Aligning your state academic standards to the EE Guidelines for Learning (K-12) will help teachers and other educators design and implement a comprehensive, cohesive, standards-based environmental education curriculum. It will help educators map out the best ways of infusing environmental education throughout the school year.

Additionally, this crosswalk can be a useful first step in the development of your state Environmental Literacy Plan (NCLI). Using the EE Guidelines for Learning (K-12) as your framework, you will identify the state academic standards that support environmental education. Importantly, you will also identify the gaps! This can give you a road map for working with your state department of education.

To provide examples, the crosswalks between the K-12 EE Guidelines for Learning and the state academic standards for Oregon, Maine, and Texas. Let us know if you have created a crosswalk and we will share it here too.

See the other posts that align the K-12 Learner Guidelines with the Ocean Literacy Principles and the Climate Literacy Principles.