Alaska ELP


Alaska ELP

The Alaska Natural Resource and Environmental Literacy Plan states is vision as ensuring that all students graduate from high school with a strong foundation in natural resource and environmental literacy.  Students will have personal connections to nature; understand the complex relationships between community, culture, economy, and the environment; and be prepared to make informed decisions about the sustainable management and development of our state’s rich natural resources for today and for future generations.

The plan also provides opportunities to use local expertise, incorporate indigenous knowledge and culture, support thematic teaching by integrating subjects, and align with STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) national and state initiatives. This plan has was initially developed by a diverse Working Group of educators and natural resource professionals facilitated by representatives from two state agencies, the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. It will allow schools and community partners to receive support to implement successful place-based learning opportunities, develop outdoor classrooms, and provide important professional development for teachers, administrators, and community members.

The goals of the plan are defined as: 

  1. Provide all PreK-12 children in Alaska with opportunities to engage in safe outdoor learning experiences as part of regular instruction.
  2. Support Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Standards by further incorporating natural resource and environmental literacy across subject areas.
  3. Foster partnerships with nonprofit organizations, businesses, industry groups, tribal organizations, and government agencies to enhance meaningful service-learning experiences for students that also benefit communities and their local environment. 
  4. Enhance professional development for educators, administrators, and community members in natural resource and environmental literacy.
  5. Support the development of Alaska school facilities, grounds, and local natural areas that provide accessible learning opportunities and serve as community models for healthy living and sustainability.

Each goal outlines key objectives and strategies. Objectives and strategies that support the plan’s goals are to be implemented over the next five years, with the preliminary work beginning in 2014. While the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game will continue to provide leadership for the plan, its successful implementation will require the participation and contribution of diverse individuals and entities throughout Alaska. Financial and in-kind support for the implementation of the plan will come from grants, collaboration, and partnerships among Alaska’s school districts, organizations, agencies, and businesses.