World Water Day Art Contest

Do you work with students in the Lake Champlain Watershed? If so, check out this exciting opportunity to celebrate the efforts of teachers and students to improve waterways and understand the issues they face. The World Water Day Student Art Contest is now accepting submissions of student artwork from grades K–12. Submissions may include visual art, writing, photography, or video. Works will be displayed at the World Water Day event on Saturday, March 22, 2025, at the Champlain Centre Mall in Plattsburgh, NY.
The Champlain Basin Education Initiative partners host a World Water Day celebration annually to feature the efforts of teachers and students to improve waterways and understand the pollution issues they face. Contest entries can be as simple as photographs about raising salmon or trout in their classroom to poems or journal entries about water, or highlighting a community project focused on water. The involvement of art, music, history, science, or technology teachers allows many forms of student work to be featured.
Submit entries through the entry form by March 12!
You can see examples of artworks from previous years on the World Water Day Art page.