Compensation for young people willing to write blogs about consumption


Compensation for young people willing to write blogs about consumption

New Dream recognizes that large swaths of our population—particularly young people and vulnerable communities—have been left out of the conversation on consumption. In many cases, they are more directly impacted by pollution, unhealthy products, and too little consumer choice, and they are often directly blamed for not making better choices, even when choice is not available. As we seek to address the many challenges facing our communities and our planet, it’s clear that countless solutions, of all kinds and at all scales, will be required as we transition to a more just world. But, as a society—and as an organization—we need to shift away from offering prescriptive, “one-size-fits-all” solutions. If we wish to incorporate upstream thinking about systems, we need to better understand the complexities and challenges of consumption, and to weave in new voices.