ZOOM: Ecological Perspective-Taking with Young Scientists


ZOOM: Ecological Perspective-Taking with Young Scientists

A boy uses a magnifying glass to look at a small green bug on a stick

Date and time: Friday, March 28, at 12 PM CT / 1 PM ET

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Young scientists learn about the world around them through their senses, play, and active exploration. However, the phenomena children wonder about are often difficult to observe, occur over periods of time, or are abstract. To avoid scientific misconceptions, it is important that children learn to hone their skills of observation, but more importantly, learn to actively “participate with” living creatures and non-living elements in the world around them. 

In this webinar, we will explore how to capitalize on “zooming” or play with a change of perspective as a way to hone observational skills and develop a sense of place. Join the Higher Education eePRO Group to explore strategies and children’s literature that promote key scientific competencies in young scientists including perspective-taking, inquiry, observation, and a sense of wonder.

About Guest Speaker

Dr. Amy Lindgren is an Associate Professor of Education and the Elementary/Early Childhood Department Chair at Concordia University Wisconsin. She received her B.A. in Elementary Education with an emphasis on science and her M.S. in Early Childhood Education from Concordia University Wisconsin. Prior to serving in higher education, Amy taught middle school, preschool, and kindergarten for fifteen years in both Ohio and Wisconsin. She completed a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership with an emphasis on Early Childhood Education from Concordia University Chicago. Her dissertation is entitled: The Development of Teacher Agency in Nature Preschools: Perceptions of Teachers and Directors. Amy has served at  CUW since 2011 and teaches most of the upper division coursework in the Early Childhood  Education Department including: Creativity in Early Childhood, Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum and Methods of Early Childhood, Math Methods for Early  Childhood, Science and Environment in Early Childhood, and Early Childhood Pre-Student Teaching. Additionally, Amy teaches Elementary methods coursework in Science and Social Studies. She can be reached at amy.lindgren@cuw.edu.

To get a Zoom link and add the event to your calendar, register at the following link: https://wisconsin-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/BjPuz_myRQ69VeIrJDouRg#/…

This webinar is funded by ee360+ (a consortium of 26 partners led by the NAAEE and funded by  the US EPA).