Western Rivers Teacher Workshops: River Ecology and Geography

Instructor: Sarah R. Johnson MAEd
ENVS 510, 2 Graduate Credits, $340
Virtual Hybrid Course
Course date: June 9-29, 2020
course materials available June 8 - August 1, 2020
Audience: 3rd -10th grade Educators
Register at Western Colorado University
Learn how to utilize rivers and riparian habitat as the context to meet the Colorado 2020 Science standards (NGSS) through observations, explorations, discussions, and journaling to create three-dimensional, phenomenon and problem-driven science learning experiences. During this hybrid course, participants will explore the three major components of a river ecosystem: aquatic life, water quality, and riparian habitat as well as watershed geography. Interdisciplinary experiences include self-directed field explorations at your home, engaging with free data visualization tools and labs, and mapping explorations. Curriculum resources will be shared from BEETLES, Aquatic WILD, Project WET, Population Education, NASA's GLOBE Observer, Library of Congress teaching tools, and Denver Water’s Water Education Resource Guide. Participants will also create an online Google My Maps streamside field trip asset map for their school using tools from Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots curriculum.
Preferred registration deadline, May 8, 2020