Taking Nature Black Conference


Taking Nature Black Conference

Background: February 28, 2018 will play host to the second Taking Nature Black conference at Woodend Sanctuary in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Taking Nature Black is sponsored by the Audubon Naturalist Society and its partners, and is designed to highlight the role that African Americans play and have played in supporting the environment through speakers, panels, professional development, and networking opportunities. The conference will feature a day-long jobs fair.

Desired Outcome: To elevate awareness of environmental issues affecting this region’s African Americans, provide professional development, career, and networking opportunities.

Format: TNB‘s format includes a series of speakers and panels addressing issues of concern to African Americans, including professional development. Speaker panels will be scheduled concurrently with the jobs fair.

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018: 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Location: ANS’s headquarters at 8940 Jones Mill Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815.

Topics to be discussed: Environmental Justice, Green Jobs Now and in the Future, Hard-won Environmental Legal Victories, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, How to Engage Elected Officials, Taking Charge of Your Career, Nature in Your Neighborhood, Storytelling with a Cultural Historian, and so much more. African Americans who have made outstanding contributions to helping us understand nature and protect the environment will be saluted as environmental champions. Day-long mentoring opportunities will also be provided. A continental breakfast, lunch, and a closing reception are included.

Attendees/Audience: Up to 150 African American environmental affairs professionals, activists, and business owners, representatives of regional environmental groups, governmental bodies, as well as regional college students and graduates – all from DC, Maryland, and Virginia.