Sea Turtle Ecology & Conservation

[Online Course] Sea Turtle Ecology & Conservation
Sea turtles are a charismatic and ecologically important, yet imperiled, group of marine reptiles. This course introduces students to these fascinating and complex animals through lectures and class discussions.
Introduction to Sea Turtle Biology & Conservation
Anatomy and physiology
Feeding and diet
Nesting, migration and navigation
Ecological importance of sea turtles
Conservation and management
PREREQUISITES: None, but this course prerequisite for summer Field Course in Mexico!
FORMAT: Activities for the 3-week online course consist of pre-recorded lectures and synchronous discussions.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Melania C. López-Castro, Coordinator of the Sea Turtle Conservation Program at Pronatura Península de Yucatán
DATES: June 5–July 2, 2023
ESA and TWS Continuing Education Credit: included for at NO-COST
[Field Course] Sea Turtle Ecology & Conservation
This is a 4-day field trip where students will practice nesting protocols and techniques at a key nesting beach in the Yucatán Peninsula.
Students will actively participate in a long-term monitoring program by obtaining data and managing databases. Prior to arriving in the Yucatán Peninsula, students will attend the Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation online course to prepare them for their visit.
PREREQUISITES: Our Sea Turtle Biology & Conservation (ONLINE) course is recommended.
FORMAT: Students will spend four days in the field aiding in a current conservation program. Students will apply the concepts learned during the online course, working up to 10 hours each day.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Melania C. López-Castro, Coordinator of the Sea Turtle Conservation Program at Pronatura Península de Yucatán
DATES: July 9–14, 2023
LOCATION: Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
STUDENT RESOURCE GUIDE: View your guide on travel information, accommodations, what to bring, and more!
Thank you so much for posting this information. I know the course is now over, but I believe that this sort of information will be informative and helpful for members of our eePro group. Please continue to do so...
Char Clark, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University