Overcoming the Pandemic as a Community of Practice - Online Town Hall


Overcoming the Pandemic as a Community of Practice - Online Town Hall

We are facing unprecedented challenges -- not just in addressing the health and economic impacts of the Corona virus on our organizations, loved ones and neighbors -- but as a community of professionals facing the task of tackling climate change during this pandemic. 

Earlier this week, ACCO's executive director published a call to action for professionals, providing suggestions related to participating in online community activities, considering how the response to this pandemic relates to our work, overcoming isolation and coming together as a community of practice. You can read that post here.

About the Town Hall
This town hall will provide you an opportunity to hear from peer practitioners and build a bond with others in the field. Additionally, we will discuss themes including:

  • ·     Examining commonalities between pandemic preparedness and climate change action;
  • ·     Providing a forum and community to support professional and personal resilience needs;
  • ·     Considering how we can inform response measures as a community of practice; and
  • ·     Strategies for ensuring that our field is best positioned to advance our important work through this time and when we come out of the pandemic.