Environmental Educators of North Carolina Conference


Environmental Educators of North Carolina Conference

Birds on a nest getting ready to fly

When I first moved to North Carolina, I became involved with EENC as a participant. Then I became a board member for one year and was able to make great relationships that opened doors for me. One of those doors was to become more involved with NAAEE as a member of the Trainer's Bureau teaching others about the Guidelines for Excellence. Their annual conference is a great way to meet many formal and non-formal educators in the field and make connections.  Below is information directly from their website about the conference.  You can also connect with me and I can help you out.

—Corey Sperling, eePRO Group Moderator

Join us for the 32nd Annual Environmental Educators of North Carolina conference at Rockfish Camp & Retreat Center in Fayetteville, NC! This year’s conference will be held from Friday, September 8th to Saturday, September 9th, 2023, with pre-conference workshops, field trips, and more on Thursday, September 7th.

The 2023 conference theme is Unplug and rEEconnect. During the conference, we will delve deeper into what EE looks like in our state, the exciting and surprising places where EE is happening, and take time get outside and reconnect with the natural world.

Register Today!