Climate Wayfinding for Higher Education Faculty & Staff


Climate Wayfinding for Higher Education Faculty & Staff

Climate Wayfinding for Higher Ed: Get trained as a facilitator & bring this program to your campus

Many students are looking at the climate crisis with distress and grappling with the question “What can I do?” So are many higher education professionals. Climate Wayfinding is a proven program for holding that question well and gaining clarity, courage, and community for our climate journeys. Join this training to become a facilitator—then help students navigate this liminal time and their place in it.

Climate Wayfinding, brought to you by The All We Can Save Project, is a deep learning program for people seeking clarity, courage, and community on their climate journeys. There will be three different facilitator workshops in May and June 2024 (see website for more details on dates and locations) for higher education faculty and staff. Cohorts of participants will come together to experience Climate Wayfinding and then receive training to facilitate it on their campuses. 


  • Led by Dr. Katharine Wilkinson, Nasim Fluker, and Amy Curtis of The All We Can Save Project

  • 5-day/4-night residential programs

  • Intimate cohorts of ~24 higher education professionals

  • Retreat settings designed for personal and professional renewal

  • Access to facilitator toolbox, further online training, and ongoing support

  • Costs: participants pay for travel, accommodation, and program fee on a sliding scale

  • Generous financial support is available

  • Applications open through November 10, 2023; decisions announced by November 20