2018 ClimateChange Academy for Educators

2018 ClimateChange Academy for Educators
Do you want to teach about climate change?
NOAA, Delaware Sea Grant, and MADE CLEAR invite classroom teachers and informal educators to apply for this exciting professional development opportunity!
- Self-paced online component starts Monday, May 21, 2018
- In-person component runs Tuesday, June 26 - Thursday, June 28, 2018
- Location: University of Delaware, Hugh R. Sharp Marine Studies Campus, Lewes, DE
Lodging and meals will be provided.
Join us to:
- Learn how to bring climate change and Earth system science into your classes
- Get started with climate change education in a self-paced, on-line component
- Meet climate science experts, and use real climate change data
- Try out three-dimensional NGSS-based lessons and field studies
We’ll focus on lessons and activities to investigate:
- The causes and effects of a changing climate
- How climate change is impacting ecosystems, cities, farms, and coasts
- Solutions and stewardship activities to address climate change
You will receive:
- Materials and resources to start or continue your climate change teaching portfolio/toolbox
- A stipend of $300 for completing requirements
- Optional MSDE professional certification hours for completing requirements
- Clock hours toward recertification (Delaware teachers only)
To register, visit: https://tinyurl.com/ClimateMWEEAcademy
For more information contact Pat Harcourt (pharcourt@umces.edu), Bart Merrick (bart.merrick@noaa.gov), or Christopher Petrone (petrone@udel.edu).