Plastic Pollution Lesson and Action Plan


Plastic Pollution Lesson and Action Plan

Plastic pollution in the ocean has become a global problem for both humans and marine life. Fortunately, people around the world have taken the initiative to help with solutions to this problem and so can you! Youth have been playing an increasingly important role in celebrating World Oceans Day since its inception. They have organized cleanup events, garnered awareness, created advocacy campaigns, hosted competitions, and much more. Though there are many youth and others involved around the world who care deeply for our ocean, there is still a need for more people to get involved with not only celebrating World Oceans Day, but also protecting and restoring the ocean. Youth should be at the forefront of the fight for a healthy blue planet and the species that call it home. This guide has been specifically designed to help anyone plan and host a successful and impactful cleanup event. Whether you are a youth or an adult, if you live near a beach, river, or lake, everyone has the ability to make a change. Every ounce of singleuse plastic prevention helps; even removing one piece of plastic from the ocean could save the life of an animal.