Michael Borkan

Michael Borkan (He/Him)

Environmental Studies Undergraduate Student (grad. May 2024)

University of Colorado Boulder


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Civic Engagement, Climate Change

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Micah Borkan is a senior in the Environmental Studies program at CU Boulder. He is a co-chair of the Environmental Board, a joint-board of CUSG working closely with the Environmental Center to promote the advancement of impactful student-led sustainability initiatives, policy, and projects on campus. Micah has also served on the Climate Action Plan (CAP) steering committee as the undergraduate student representative, and the Chancellor's University Sustainability Council alongside campus staff, faculty, and students. Originally from the Boston area, Micah came to CU Boulder with the ambition of preparing himself for a career in sustainability and environmental action and, grateful for his own opportunities to participate in this critical juncture of campus climate action, is a strong advocate for ensuring the students that come after him have more opportunities to contribute to advancing sustainability on campus and in the Boulder community. Micah's favorite experiences at CU have been conducting stakeholder engagement during the CAP process, working with students and staff to implement innovate sustainability projects on campus through the Environmental Board's Sustainable CU grant fund, and attending many of the amazing events put on by the Environmental Center and its campus partners. Micah has also served as an intern for a garden-based EE organization in Boulder called Garden to Table, a non-profit partner of Boulder Public Schools. Working with students from 1st to 5th grade, he helped lead lessons and provide garden education imbedded in the Boulder Public Schools' curriculum.

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