Jasmine Boykin

Jasmine Boykin (she/her)

service member



Roles at NAAEE



Biodiversity, Civic Engagement, Culture and Art, EE Certification, Environmental Literacy, Forestry

I am a new EELCorps member this year serving at Lilley Cornett Woods. 

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I serve with EELCorps through Americorps at Lilley Cornett Woods in Letcher County, Kentucky. Here, I am getting my environmental education certificate. I design programming appropriate for the old growth forest. I also lead some of these courses, do outreach to local schools and organizations, and serve as a trail guide on our two trails. Recently, I have been asked to teach at a settlement school not far from my service site. There, I was able to reach a larger group of elementary children. I led the orienteering course as well as the stream ecology course. 

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