What Is a Leader?


What Is a Leader?

I googled “what is a leader?” and the first results that appear are boss, commander, superior, and even kingpin. This may be a classic definition of a leader, but is that really the nature of the leadership we need for the world we want?

NAAEE’s EE 30 Under 30 each year celebrates the unique and passionate leadership of talented young leaders around the world, and each year we ask our EE 30 Under 30 nominees about what makes them leaders. We recently took a closer look at the themes that emerged from a subset of our 2021 nominees, and we got very different answers—ones that certainly better reflect the inspiring leadership we are seeing in people, young and old, leading change across the globe today.

Take a look at what we found in the word cloud below.

We heard from our nominees that leadership shows up in many different ways, and goes well beyond being in a “leadership position.” Young people are leading change at all levels in their communities, organizations, and schools, and are shining through in their own unique ways.

What would you add to this word cloud? What is a leader to you? Add yours in the comment section below.

Feeling inspired? Look no further!

EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2022 nominations are open! Visit naaee.org/ee30under30 to learn more and nominate yourself or someone you know before April 11.



Thank you for sharing this! It’s interesting how the traditional idea of leadership still revolves around power and authority. But as Pedro Vaz Paul (a business consultant) often says, today’s leaders need to focus more on collaboration, empathy, and driving positive change. It’s so true that young leaders are redefining leadership in inspiring ways. I’d love to see what themes emerged from your nominees—sounds really inspiring!