Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s Keynote Extended to October 30

"We need to recognize that what these communities need are opportunities and resources. They don't need to be civilized or developed...We always have to be thinking and recognizing that the problem is the resources and the opportunities, not the people." -Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, "How to Be An Antiracist" #NAAEE2020 Keynote Address
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s keynote has been extended to October 30, so there is still time to watch! Listen and learn how environmental educators and organizations can be antiracist, and why we need to be.
Recordings and content for the 49th Annual NAAEE Conference and 17th Annual Research Symposium can be watched in the Whova app, with most content available until September 2021. We hope you will continue to take full advantage of the rich conference, and keep up your good work to inspire change! Registration to access the recordings is still open at reduced costs. Learn more at conference.naaee.org. And learn more about our theme in this video.