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Dark blue background with yellow bridge and framed by golden leaves with text in the center that says, "NAAEE 2024 Awards for Excellence" with the NAAEE logo on the bottom left

NAAEE 2024 Awards for Excellence

Nominations due July 31
Members of NAAEE are invited to help us showcase outstanding contributions and elevate the field of environmental education by making a nomination for one of the NAAEE Excellence Award options.


Light blue graphic with illustrations of two blue benches, flowers and leaves in the center. Bold, blue text in the middle states, "Stop. Smell. Learn." The Outside for 5 badge is displayed at the top right corner.

Let's Get Outside For 5

When students go outdoors, they become more confident, attentive, creative, and cooperative. #OutsideFor5 is a pledge campaign that encourages educators to incorporate outdoor activity at least 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.


Featured Resource: Guidelines for Excellence

Looking for resources that will help you design and implement effective environmental education programs? Check out NAAEE's Guidelines for Excellence series.

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New GEEP E-Book Chapter: The Global Evolution of Ocean Literacy

Read the chapter >

From Ssese Islands to Global Stages: My Safari in Environmental Advocacy and the "TEEN-2024" Project

Read Richard's story >

2023 Changemaker Grantees

Read about grantees >

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We want to hear from you! If you have suggestions, concerns, or other inquiries, contact us at eePRO@naaee.org.