Using Storytelling to Advance Climate Change Education and Action

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Using Storytelling to Advance Climate Change Education and Action
NAAEE's Climate Change Group members presented a Symposium titled: “Using Storytelling to Advance Climate Change Education and Action” at the 2016 Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. In each of the PowerPoint files below, you can hear some remarkable climate change stories (that may be useful for your work – URLs are included) AND learn about the programs in which the stories were created/used.
Download the materials:
1. Storytelling Symposium - Hollweg Intro
2. Jason Davis' Madison Presentation
3. NAAEE Stories, Art Sussman
4. NAAEE Sasha Nan Madol Audio - a students' story presented by Sussman
5. Climate MN NAAEE 2016 - presented by Kristen Poppleton
6. Storytelling Symposium - Hollweg post Q&A + links