It’s about time: perceived barriers to in-service teacher climate change professional development (Research Article)


It’s about time: perceived barriers to in-service teacher climate change professional development (Research Article)

Graphic illustration of an office desk setup with colorful books, an open laptop, and a wall clock.


In "It’s about time: perceived barriers to in-service teacher climate change professional development," researchers Megan Ennes, Danielle F. Lawson, Kathryn T. Stevenson, M. Nils Peterson, and M. Gail Jones survey teachers to understand barriers to teaching about climate change.

First, middle school teachers were asked to rate their confidence about whether climate change is happening. Teachers were then asked to share their perceived barriers. 

The article's key finding includes, "However, both groups of teachers reported that time was the primary barrier rather than the topic."

Read the article's abstract and recommendations to overcome barriers to teaching here.