International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) Volume 11, Number 2

A peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal promoting early childhood environmental education for global readership and action, The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) publishes scholarly written works pertinent to the education of all young children (birth to eight years). Articles include book reviews, educational approaches, evaluation models, program descriptions, research investigations, and theoretical perspectives—all anonymously and expertly peer-reviewed.
Articles in this issue include:
- Editorial Note: "Early childhood protostars, formative entanglements, and later environmental advocacies and actions" by Yash Bhagwanji, Florida Atlantic University
- “Deconstructing settler colonialism in early childhood: North American nature-based preschool teachers’ perceptions of nature” by Stacey M. Alfonso, University of Washington
- "Factors associated with nature connection in children: A review, synthesis, and implications for practice within environmental education and beyond" by Adriana Mockovčáková<,Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands and Alexia Barrable, Queen Margaret University, Scotland, United Kingdom
- "Three- to six-year-olds demonstration of connection to nature at a Montessori School in the Upper Midwest" by Natasha Yates, Hamline University, Minnesota
- "Death, decay, and Decomposition: Book and resource list" by Carla Gull, Books and Resources Review Editor