Green Rights: The Human Right to a Healthy World


Green Rights: The Human Right to a Healthy World

The right to breathe. The right to clean water. The right to wholesome food.

Air, water, food – these are the sources of life. Without them, we die. And in most nations – more than 180 nations, in fact – citizens are legally entitled to these essential elements of life.

But not in Canada or the United States. And that's what the GreenRights multi-media project is all about: the human right to a healthy environment, and Mother Nature's right to be respected and protected.

GreenRights ( is about the dramatic, innovative legal battles going on in nations around the world: The Philippines, Argentina, The Netherlands, Ecuador. It reports on dramas in the courts and on the land, where devoted citizens and courageous lawyers take on national governments and global corporations – and win. And it asks, Why not in Canada? Why not in the US?