Free Environmental Science Toolkits for Educators


Free Environmental Science Toolkits for Educators

Group of students on a boat in life jackets looking over a petri dish of plankton and plastic.

Algalita Marine Research and Education is internationally known as the organization that started the movement to end plastic pollution nearly 30 years ago. We were the first to discover, and bring attention to, the swirling soup of plastic pollution in the Pacific—now known by many as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Since then, we’ve worked to revolutionize the plastic pollution conversation by building a web of connections between researchers, activists, industry leaders, educators, and young people across the globe. 

With three decades of plastic pollution research and education under their belt, Algalita recently launched Wayfinder Society for Environmental Education, an innovative, free online program empowering educators to effortlessly find expertly curated, fun, and interactive environmental education resources. Access real-world environmental movements, aligned with educational standards, and fuel a dynamic learning experience.

Wayfinder Society's Toolkits help students dive into fascinating topics like microfiber pollution and plastic contamination in beach sand. These toolkits provide hands-on experiences that engage young minds in the exploration of environmental science. All toolkits include all necessary materials and are designed to be reused and shared year-after-year. Click here to explore our library of toolkits that are free for public school educators in the United States.