Finding Ecohappiness: Fun Nature Activities to Help Your Kids Feel Happier and Calmer


Finding Ecohappiness: Fun Nature Activities to Help Your Kids Feel Happier and Calmer

Looking for nature-related activities for your students that also help them feel happier and calmer? Finding Ecohappiness: Fun Nature Activities to Help Your Kids Feel Happier and Calmer is filled with science-backed nature activities based on positive psychology tools like mindfulness, creativity, gratitude, awe, and volunteerism. 

In Finding Ecohappiness, author Sandi Schwartz guides families in building regular habits of experiencing nature to reduce stress and boost mood. She explores key positive psychology tools from a nature-loving perspective. You will learn some simple, practical tips for incorporating these tools — awe and gratitude, mindfulness, creative arts, outdoor play and adventure, volunteering, food and animals — into your daily routine to help your children thrive and live a happy, balanced life.

Finding Ecohappiness will introduce you to all kinds of engaging nature activities you can do with your kids, from hiking and bike rides to visiting nature centers and science museums to volunteering outdoors to embarking on ecotourism adventures. In addition, you will discover unique nature relaxation activities like cow cuddling, animal yoga, forest bathing, float therapy and earthing.

A must-read for all families, Finding Ecohappiness will help you protect your children from feeling stressed and overwhelmed; manage your children’s current issues regarding stress, anxiety and mood; and expand your time enjoying nature as a family.