Environmental Education and Community Stewardship Report


Environmental Education and Community Stewardship Report

"We dream of thriving landscapes with abundant clean water and healthy habitats which support flourishing fish and wildlife populations. To conserve, protect, and restore these landscapes we need to understand not only the science of how they function, but how and why people treat their landscapes as they do. Humans are an integral part of ecosystems everywhere. People live, work, and travel in ways that can either cause environmental harm or benefit. Therefore, investment in citizen stewards is vital to the effectiveness and long-term success of any National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) conservation initiative. How do we create environmental stewards? Fortunately, a body of theory and research exists to answer this question. People’s choices are shaped by many things including their knowledge, values, and community context. Environmental education and community stewardship programs actively engage people and empower them to become stewards of their
landscapes." For more information please click here.