
A cartoon dog wearing goggles lays in the middle of a textured blue wave background

Water touches every aspect of our lives—the cells in our bodies, the food we eat, the recreational activities that we enjoy, the weather that affects our daily lives, and much more! is a self-directed educational resource about different water topics—ranging from global to personal perspective—which together reflect many of the complex and important roles of water in our lives.

Project WET’s interactive website hosts some of their most popular activities in a fun digital learning experience. The website is targeted for tweens (children ages 8–12) but has proven fun for learners of all ages! This free tool includes interactive activities, quizzes, Science Notebook pages, printable individual action posters, and resources for teachers. All this and the activities are correlated to Common Core and NGSS standards!


Educators may use this website:

  • to create your own lessons;
  • as a reference tool for students; and
  • as classroom activities or homework assignments.

Located within each unit is a section for educators that contains quizzes for students as well as answer keys. Educators must request a code to access this information. Parents are also encouraged to obtain a code to access the Educators’ section


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