Virtual Survey Assistance for Pet Sustainability

Want to help connect people to information supporting pet waste disposal methods that are kinder to the planet?
The Enviro Pet Waste Network (EPWN) is looking for students who will contribute one or two hours a week for one month to help obtain data on dog owners' attitudes and practices related to dog waste management.
Pet waste and co-mingled plastic makes up 8-12% of residential waste streaming to landfill. EPWN's goal is to eliminate the need for plastic in pet waste management and repurpose the organic waste (poop) so that it no longer emits methane gas into the air. This is technically an easy-to-abate problem, changing public perception and enlisting political will is challenging.
The survey - Dog Poop - Environment and Public Health - will help to guide EPWN directors as they decide on priorities to accomplish a more sustainable future for people and their pets. Environmental science students at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia created the survey and conducted it in their home country. The results yielded data that is helping EPWN understand how to focus its messaging and other initiatives.
EPWN needs student help distributing the survey to a large aggregate of dog owners in the U.S. and Canada. Volunteers assisting in this effort will use social media and internet research skills to reach dog owners in specific geographic areas and ask that they complete the survey and pass it on to dog-owning associates and groups. EPWN will supply messaging templates, but volunteers may want to tailor messages and add personalized comments depending on audience. Participants receive practical advice on sustainable practices at the end of the survey.
All responses are anonymous and are immediately tabulated by geographic area. Data on incoming responses and final results will be shared with volunteers who assist with survey distribution.