Video PSA Contest for Students


Video PSA Contest for Students

Population Connection video PSA (public service announcement) contest is open to students in grades 9-12 as part of its "World of 7 Billion" educational campaign. Students are asked to create 30-second PSAs that illustrate the impacts of a growing population as it relates to energy use, water resources, land use, public health, or global economics. Students can win up to $1,000 and participating teachers are eligible to receive free curriculum resources. 

Create a short video – up to 60 seconds – about human population growth that highlights one of the following global challenges: Deforestation, Public Health, or Water Scarcity. All videos must include:

  •  how population growth impacts the issue and
  • at least one idea for a sustainable solution.

Consider narrowing your focus by concentrating on a subtheme within your topic. Possible subthemes include:

  • Deforestation – erosion, clearing for agriculture/pasture, impacts on climate, biodiversity or habitat loss
  • Public Health – spread of communicable disease, air quality, sanitation, maternal/reproductive health
  • Water Scarcity – aquifer depletion, water conflicts, pollution, impact on girls’ education, irrigation