Ocean Challenge 2022

The Ocean Challenge 2022 invites applicants between the ages of 15 and 35 to propose creative solutions to ocean issues that use marine science as the key element. Launched in 2019, the Ocean Challenge is a program aims to engage students and young generations worldwide on ocean crisis and to encourage them to become active in the fight against ocean challenges.
The proposal must highlight the challenges and crises in marine issues as well as provide solutions through scientific approaches, such as AI, Big Data, APP, and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV), etc.. The youth-based action plans shall adopt innovative perspectives in a range of areas like marine science, field studies, ecological conservation, creative marketing, cultural preservation and maintenance, etc.. The proposal shall be able to raise public awareness and stimulate self-mobilization and action.
In order to enhance international exchanges and achieve the goal of bilingual education in Taiwan, proposals can be written in Chinese or English. The proposal shall be submitted as an action plan (innovative and experimental plans preferred) and include elements, such as explanation of current situation, analysis of the problems, reasons for making proposals, improvements and solutions, implementation strategies, team roles, work plan timeline, budgeting, and target outcomes.
A total of 16-20 teams (4 -5 teams from each category) will be selected to proceed to the final round based on the preliminary proposal reviews. Finalists will be awarded as follows:
1. First Place Award: NT$50,000 and certificate.
2. Second Place Award: NT$20,000 and certificate.
3. Third Place Award: NT$10,000 and certificate.
4. Fourth Place and Fifth Place Award: certificate.
5. Best Proposal Award: The awarded team will receive a grant no more than NT$100,000 to carry out their proposal based on a reimbursement basis.
Category A: Undergraduates and graduates in Taiwan.
Category B: Students from upper secondary schools, i.e., senior high schools and senior vocational schools, 5-year junior colleges, and international schools in Taiwan.
Category C: Young adults aged 35 and under.
Category D: Students from upper secondary schools, i.e., senior high schools and senior vocational schools, and higher educational institutes abroad.