International Collaborative Research Project: Japanese Society for Environmental Education


International Collaborative Research Project: Japanese Society for Environmental Education

The Japanese Society for Environmental Education is pleased to announce the launch of the "International Collaborative Research Project", and invites NAAEE members to be part of this new challenge.

This project builds on an earlier collaboration in which we published the special issue of the Japanese Journal of Environmental Education entitled "Environmental Education in Asia" in July 2017.

To continue pursuing the original objectives of our earlier collaboration, JSFEE launched the "International Collaborative Research Project". So far, seven research topics have been proposed by JSFEE members and additioonal proposals are expected.

To ensure the success of this international collaborative research project, NAAEE members are invited to join these reserach teams or to propose any additional research topics.

Participants will find internaitonal research partners, build their network, and gain opportunities to submit papers to JSFEE and present their studies at the JSFEE annual conference.

For detailed information, please see the attached Announcement Letter (PDF file).