Free Screening of The Wild to Save the Last Intact Wild Salmon Run on Earth


Free Screening of The Wild to Save the Last Intact Wild Salmon Run on Earth

The Wild How do you save what you love poster with image of wetlands

You are invited to join teachers and students for a special screening of The Wild, an award-winning documentary about saving the places you love. It also features NGSS-aligned environmental science curriculum for grades 7-12, developed for online and classroom use. Feel free to share this with colleagues!

Filmmaker Mark Titus and his team are honored to offer this special screening of The Wild to environmental educators. The film inherently asks: How Do You Save What You Love?  – through the lens of the potential loss of the last fully-intact wild salmon run on Earth in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The hope is this central question will further resonate with teachers and students as they ponder what it means to save what they love in themselves and their own communities in this extraordinary time of change.

Please join Mark and esteemed guests immediately after the livestream of The Wild for a special, live Q&A session.

Tuesday, May 26, 8:30-10PM ET / 5:30-7PM PT

To join the event and view the film:
Click this link to register at no cost. The film is 60 minutes. An engaging Q&A will follow. See special guest panelists below.

Scroll through the Spark page to check out the captivating trailer and preview the curriculum.

Curriculum - designed for grades 7-12 environmental science:
This captivating curriculum provides students with the scaffolding to understand a complex issue from the perspectives of a number of stakeholders. Students begin by reflecting on places they feel a connection to, then dive deeply into the issues surrounding a critical decision and its impacts on the environment, local economics, and cultural traditions. Emphasis is on student-centered investigations and student-created solutions. There is a charge of $30 to access the film for online classroom use, but scholarship coupons are available if that is a barrier. Email any curriculum questions directly to

Q&A Panel members - After the film, join this wonderful group of students, educators, and filmmakers as they share their perspectives and experiences with the film and curriculum:

Matt Lonsdale, high school teacher of AP biology, marine biology, and fisheries at Tacoma Public School's Science and Math Institute (SAMi). Matt and his students will speak on their impressions of The Wild and their thoughts and experiences as they moved through the curriculum.

Dr. Michael Jabot, Professor of Science Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at SUNY Fredonia. Dr. Jabot is the Director of the Institute for Research in Science Teaching and a NASA Earth Ambassador. His research involves the development of student understanding in place-based science.

Laura Tucker, Environmental Curriculum Specialist. Laura is a lifelong science educator in both formal and informal learning settings. She will describe the curriculum alignment to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and share her experience with connecting students to real-life situations that involve critical thinking and action-taking.

Mark Titus, Director of The Wild. Mark Titus is an award-winning writer + director and founder of August Island Pictures. He is currently releasing The Wild – a new feature documentary examining the fate of Bristol Bay, Alaska, and its storied wild salmon runs. His features include The Breach and other brand films. Mark grew up fishing for salmon. He worked in the Bristol Bay salmon industry for years and understands the magnitude of this issue on many levels.