Environmental Professionals of Color Gathering Series

EE360+ Environmental Professionals of Color in Environmental Education Virtual Gatherings include a nine part webinar series where we delve into topics loosely themed around ways we are building a better reality.
The themes are meant to be playful guides as we connect and network, share and process, vision and grow throughout the year. Each session includes resources to explore following the conversation and we encourage folks to bring resources to share. Sessions are scheduled for the fourth Thursday of each month (third Thursdays in November and December) from 12:00 PM–1:30 PM Pacific (3:00 PM–4:30 PM Eastern).
The series consists of:
- 1.5-hour webinar learning sessions will focus on one topic/theme. Learning session topics may be refined and adjusted to meet the needs of participants, in alignment with CDE’s emergent facilitation practice.
- Join as many gathering sessions as you are able.
- It is not necessary to attend all sessions - you are welcome to join in if you miss sessions.
- It is not necessary to attend all sessions - you are welcome to join in if you miss sessions.
Register for the EPOC EE Gatherings via the survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EPOC-EE2024pre
EPOC Working in Environmental Education: Webinar Series (90 minutes)
- Thursday, October 24, 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET
- Thursday, November 21, 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET
- Thursday, December 19, 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET
- Thursday, January 23, 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET
- Thursday, February 27, 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET
- Thursday, March 27, 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET
- Thursday, April 24, 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET