Carbon Footprint Challenge 2018


Carbon Footprint Challenge 2018

Carbon Footprint Challenge 2018
web-page platform
FB page 

We live in a framework of global Climate Change. CO2 concentration exceeded the 400 parts per million in the atmosphere and temperature are dramatically increasing with respect to the pre-industrial era. Therefore, halting the rise of the atmospheric CO2 level will be one of the most crucial challenges of the next decades, in order for humanity to avoid the worst possible outcome scenarios of Climate Change.

To address these challenges we are looking for:


  • New solutions that will lower the carbon footprint of manufacturing, industrial and product-related processes, across the entire value chain.
  • All students, both bachelor and master, with creative, innovative and disruptive ideas. 
  • Teams of 3 to 5 people who wants to shape their concepts on a collaborative platform:


This Challenge runs within the UNITECH International Network however, it is not exclusive to UNITECH students and we encourage to promote it across your network and to form a team with friends coming from different background. Participants, ideas and support may come from Non-UNITECH Universities as well.




  • Phase1; ideas submission on the platform (March 19th – May 6th)
  • Phase2; ideas’ development with the experts’ help on the platform (May 10th – 25th)
  • Final Event; 2 days @ETH Zürich with coaching for finalist teams to polish their ideas (June 25th – 26th)


  • Participants have a valuable chance to turn sustainability-related ideas into real business opportunities
  • Using the online platform, participants are encouraged to collaborate and to provide and receive feedback to better develop their ideas.
  • The finalist teams receive an expenses-paid trip to attend the Final Event in Switzerland.
  • There, they will present their project in front of expert coaches and senior-judges from UNITECH supporting partners, having the chance to win the total grand prize of 10.000 CHF.