2024 Chesapeake B-WET Funding Opportunity for School District Programming

Chesapeake B-WET funds locally relevant, authentic experiential learning for K–12 audiences through Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed states. MWEEs involve learning both outdoors and in the classroom as students engage in issue definition, outdoor field experiences, synthesis and conclusions, and environmental action projects. The goal is to increase understanding and stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay and local watersheds, including the rivers, upland streams, and natural habitats found throughout the region. Projects advance the environmental literacy goal of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement and the NOAA Education Strategic Plan.
This funding announcement has two priorities, numbered without regard to importance for funding: 1) Implementing MWEEs in School Districts and 2) Supporting School District Capacity for Environmental Literacy.
The goal of this funding opportunity is to support K–12 environmental literacy programs that provide students with Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) and related professional development for in-service teachers, administrators, and/or other educators serving K–12 students. Watersheds are an excellent context for environmental education. Tidal and non-tidal waters and the surrounding landscape provide hands-on, place-based laboratories where students can see, touch, and learn about their local watershed and the greater environment.
The full fiscal year 2024 funding opportunity can be found on Grants.gov under grant opportunity number NOAA-NMFS-HCPO-2024-2008219. Please see the funding opportunity for all application details. This webpage includes resources needed to apply for a Chesapeake B-WET grant.