WEBINAR: eeGuidance for Thriving Schools Using Outdoor and Environmental Learning


WEBINAR: eeGuidance for Thriving Schools Using Outdoor and Environmental Learning

School sitting behind a field of bright, green grass.

September 30, 2021, 1:00 PM ET - RECORDED

In the spring of 2020, NAAEE convened a series of conversations with Affiliates around responding to COVID-19 as EE organizations. These conversations led to the development of eeGuidance for Reopening Schools, which was released in June 2020.

Over the past year, the landscape of teaching and learning has changed dramatically and there is a continued need to provide guidance and support to school and district leaders regarding the opportunities presented by the funding allocated in the American Recovery Act. In eeGuidance Thriving Schools: Using Outdoor and Environmental Learning, you will find specific recommendations for the use of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds to Support Environmental and Outdoor Education.

All are welcome to learn more about the funding and the advocacy tools and resources available to help you make the evidence-based case for using emergency relief funds to support:

  • Annual Student Field Experiences 
  • Weekly Green Schools Activities 
  • Daily Use of Outdoor Classrooms
  • Outdoor Education Staffing 
  • Professional Learning for Teachers


  • North American Association for Environmental Education
  • Arkansas Environmental Education Association 
  • Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education
  • Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education
  • Utah Society for Environmental Education (USEE). 

To view July’s ESSER eeGUIDANCE webinar, click HERE.