Leading for Change: NAAEE Community Engagement Guidelines Workshop

Come join this supportive, engaged network of workshop leaders! Participants in this workshop are:
- introduced to NAAEE’s Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence and the Equity & Inclusion expansion of those guidelines,
- offered relevant facilitation and programming ideas, and
- provided guidance for how to design relevant support in their respective community contexts.
The Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence identify collaboration and inclusion as key characteristics of authentic community engagement. As a participant, you will be expected to facilitate some sort of educational session in the next year related to the CEGs and/or the Equity & Inclusion Module. We provide relevant resources, ongoing support, and professional development opportunities as needed. Participants must already have a foundational understanding of equity and inclusion.
This workshop occurs virtually in two parts, and attendees must commit to both:
- The first gathering is this 3½-hour virtual session that is part of the NAAEE Conference on Wednesday, October 11th from 12:00 PM–3:30 PM ET.
- For the second gathering, participants can choose between November 6 or November 13, 2023 from 1:00–4:30 PM EST. Please save the date that works best for you on your calendar for now!
Consider joining us if you actively elevate Justice40 in your community and/or if your lived experiences reflect the U.S. environmental movement’s historical marginalization of varied identities, cultures, and communities.
**Workshop registration fees are waived and provided through ee360+ scholarship funding.
Since this workshop will be at the 2023 NAAEE Annual Conference, we wanted to make sure you knew about NAAEE conference scholarships. NAAEE offers scholarships to help with registration fees. Details are posted on the conference scholarship website and applications will close on September 30th.
Please let us know if you have any questions or particular excitement!
Always good to be in touch,
Libby, Jean, Luciana, Susy, Jordan, Anne, and Bora
Antioch University New England ee360+ team